Saturday, May 31, 2008


In Sikhism there is the same emphasis on Raza also called Bhana (God's Will) as there is on renunciation in ascetic cults and creeds. It is a state of mind which understands clearly the Divine Will. The doctrine of Bhana is the acceptance of the Will of God which is the core of Sikh faith. An enlightened mind lives according to inner dictates of His Hukam (order). It is a dedicated submission and infinite patience to accept His Will. Guru Arjan sowed the seed of martyrdom which largely flourished after him and became the heritage of the Sikhs.

To justify and substantiate that prophets and saints can conquer death and suffering, two Sikh Gurus and countless Sikhs have faced martyrdom. They did so to show to the world their belief in the eternity of their spirit and the fearlessness they acquired in the love of God. It is a lesson to the world that true devotion to God transcends the sorrow of life. The Master is not indifferent to the values and to the suffering of the virtuous at the hands of the wicked. To save and defend is His Characteristic (Birdh). He cares for devotion of His devotees and guards His prophets and saints from misery unless He wills and desires that their agonizing experience and painful martyrdom should serve higher purpose.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Sri Guru Granth Sahib is a Matchless Divine Treasure of synthetic embrace of the whole global community.

Sri Guru Granth Sahib is a paradise of spiritual harmony. True integration,harmony and unity can only usher in, on a solid foundation of Love.This Love stands out beautifully,harmoniously, synthetically in its pristine purity and glory in Sri Guru Granth Sahib where the hymns-celestial of divine lovers of different religions, faiths, creeds are enshrined in One Religion of Love,
in brotherhood of man and in sole fatherhood of God.
This blog is created to spread the teachings of Sri GURU GRANTH SAHIB JI.
The year 2008 is 300th GUR-GADDI year of GURU SAHIB.
We want all to bond themselves with GURUJI and also we want to create an awareness about increasing social evils like drug addiction,female foeticide,casteism,poverty etc.

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